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Upcoming conference? Get your video package right here.

Bridgewater Creative is currently offering a video package tailored and customized for your business or organization for your conference. Keep your attendees entertained while showcasing your accomplishments and acknowledgements.

Annual Conference & Expo

2020 • 2021 • 2022 • 2023 • 2024

6-8 Videos • $7250

✔ High quality

✔ Motion-graphics

✔ Voiceover (if applicable)

✔ Vimeo link for review

✔ MP4 download

✔ You decide which video types

✔ Suggestions provided below


GFOA Annual Conference


Suggestions & Options

Promote your conference on LinkedIn, through email, and on social media with a quick, engaging, and informative video to help boost attendance.

View example here


Use charts, graphs, scrolling numbers,

and other methods to showcase the statistics that are most important to your attendees.

View example here


Having a video with abstract or specific animations looping in the background throughout certain segments can add to the overall vibe of your conference.

View example here


Start each of your videos off with a custom-animated version of your logo. You can even use it in all of your future videos if you wish. Once we make it, it's yours.

View example here


As dates and venues tend to change from

year-to-year, you'll want an updated outro and intro. Get a custom one that aligns with your branding.

View example here


What has your organization accomplished

for the year? Images and video are a great

way to show your attendees why they should be excited to be involved.

View example here


Captured on-site interviews with your 

leadership, team, or members? We can put

them together with b-roll and custom lower-thirds made for your organization.

View example here


Remind your attendees of where you started and how far you've come, while also focusing into the future.

View example here

  • What if I don't need 8 videos?
    If you don't need 8 videos, but only need 5 for example, then we can allow those 5 to be longer, or more complex/dynamic in order to make up the difference. We'll just put more work into the videos you do need and the price will remain the same. If you're looking for more of an "a la carte" type of approach then please reach out so we can discuss the specific needs for your conference.
  • We're not sure where to begin!
    You'll begin by deciding what videos you'll need for your conference. Review your program and see what fits best for your organization based on what information you're looking to share with your attendees. This will also be influenced by what assets your organization already has, e.g. video clips, photos, sound bites, etc. We listed some common examples above. We have example scripts from other client conferences that we can share in order to help guide you if necessary. We also have tips on how to organize everything in order to make the process as easy as possible.
  • What if I need more than 8 videos but they're all really short?
    There will inherently be some room for discussion within this package, as not all videos will be the same length or require the same level of complexity to make. The best option in this case will be just to chat with us in order to discuss your specific needs and we'll work something out.

Want to produce a video podcast live at the conference?

Have a great keynote speaker that you'd like to interview? Want to talk to your sponsors, award winners, and special guests? We'll fly out to your conference with our professional camera/audio gear and produce a video podcast for you that you can share with those at home that couldn't attend. And you can pull clips from it to use on social media as you please.

And since we'll be there anyway, we'll grab b-roll to use for next year's conference as well. Get this, and everything above for only $14,500.

Ready to go? Get in touch today.

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For addtional information and if you have questions, please email

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